But they will not let me go. This is eaten to remind us of the bitterness of slavery. Indeed, local Ends indicate that Jews were fught there as captives of An- ichus. She said those resolutions which call for Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories. A significant part ot each school day is devoted to the traditions and teachings of Juda- ism history, Torah, Talmud and philosophy, conversational Hebrew a way of life.
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She is in- volved in various charities and volunteer work and has taught at the Hebrew Academy Day Camp. Recognized as a leading au- thority of Jewish folk music, Feidman was born and educated in Argentina where he played with the Theater Colon in Buenos Aires.
Among the clients seeking jobs through JVS last month were people with backgrounds in ac- counting, sales, banking, computer programming, and public relations.
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This workshop is open to the public. The New York Times had this reply: Schoenbrun coordinated the television presentation of the World Gathering of Holocaust Survivors held in Jerusalem in June. Featured speaker at the event, which will begin at 7: Potash had made his home here for the past 30 years eliezeg from Newark.
Hebrew Every Wednesday at 9: Kd- ward Selig and Ann Asher. The film, produced by Para- mount Pictures, will span Gol- da's entire life from her turbu- lent childhood in Russia, her life in the U. But he insists he cannot do this unless his fellow ministers agree to cut down government spending. These people are second and third generation Israelis whose parents and grandparents emigrated pre- dominantly from Oriental Jewish communities North Africa and Asia during the 's.
Parsley is eaten at the Seder to indicate that Pesach is a spring bou.
The Jewish Floridian and Shofar of Greater Hollywood
Iraq has since reportedly asked that the reactor be rebuilt at a new site far from the capital and buried below a mountain to make it bomb-proof. Baltimore, 92,; Fort Lauderdale, Are people excited by what Secretary of State Haig said? Indeed, what does the number su million really represent? He said the PLO and other parties involved in Lebanon also "have an obligation" to show restraint. So call today for a confidential appointment and the location of the Mayor's nearest you.
The Jewish Floridian
Levitt, Charles Lipcon, Bernard A. With respect to the second question first, because that is easiest to dispense with: Nebo Mausoleum, Miami Phone: The two-story building will incorporate a library, cafeteria, meeting-club rooms, senior citizen activity facilities and recreational work- shops. Circuit Coat Dade County. But the fall-out from the latest incident, revolving around Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger's reported offer to sell advanced military weaponry to Jordan, has brought into focus with ever increasing clarity the inability of President Reagan to wu a cohe- sive and directed foreign policy toward the Mideast.
Jo- seph Bowman is the present Associate General Chairman. Rosenthal stressed, "l am furious with the substance and procedures' of the resolution censuring Israel. A second family reunion has been planned for July 4 of this year in Chicago.
Middle East policy has permitted Secretary Weinberger to lead America by the nose several times ei his Mid- dle East diplomatic missions. In the meantime, we should live aa Jews, and that involves helping to ensure that the Jewish people remain strong and masters of our own destiny.

Who provides legal and tax counsel? M Sabbath Eve Services 8: Thus, the Six Million Pennies Project was born and has been thriving ever eliezre. In each in- stance an Israeli community is coupled with a Jewish commu- nity abroad, and people-to-people contacts between the two com- munities are encouraged.

The first is rising crime.
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